Objective of the project To finance the construction of a cost-effective multi-functional primary school building for 300 children in a rural Indian village called Belsar (Uttar Pradesh). WHO ARE WE? We are World Without Obstacles (WWO), a small NGO and the only one working with children in Belsar, a rural village in Gonda District, a so-called backwards area in Eastern Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) in India. Our mission is to support the development of deprived communities, improve education, address public health, sanitation and environmental concerns and promote inter-cultural understanding around the world through cultural exchange, volunteer work and cultural activities. In the last 6-7 years WWO has initiated and executed several successful projects. Achievements can be found on our website and in our annual (audited) reports. How did it start? It all started 2 years ago when Anna, a volunteer from The Net...